The Illustrated Man is a large-scale photographic series and full length documentary by New York based photographer & director Sophy Holland; featuring male tattooed celebrity and fashion icons from across America & Europe, the series captures the reimagination of tattoos from the stereotypical associations of sailors and the criminal classes, into the celebration of mainstream pop culture, fashion trends, branding and social influence.
Incepted in 2016 this fine art photography collection documents the many subjects’ ultimate and often intimate illustrations of ‘self’ through ink, and chronicles the inexorable rise of the ‘tattooed male’ pin up, as fashion and tattoo culture converge for the first time in a mainstream increasingly fuelled by Generation Y.
View the trailer below for the documentary ILLUSTRATED MAN which discusses the rise of the tattooed male in 2016.
Directed by Sophy Holland, featuring interviews with Dave Navarro, Rocky Rakovic, Jason Santore, Ricki Hall, Rico Genest, Brett David, Gabriel Rey, Blake Woods, Marisa Kakoulas, Josh Lords and Michael McCabe.
Photos from the series featuring male fashion icons, athletes, musicians, models, actors and influencers.
All photos ©Sophyholland
On May 4th 2017 Illustrated Man held a pop up exhibit with over 350 attendees in Gallery Row, NYC. There were 41 photographs on display, as well as the looping documentary on two projected walls. The event was sponsored by LabSeries and Sailor Jerry Rum. Photos of the exhibit below...